Freedom’s Finale October 2nd 2022

Freedom’s Finale October 2nd 2022

deth2nwo No Comments

It hasn’t been that long but my last journal entry is very short as I’ve said I’m constantly jumping from one thing to another and definitely I jumped from that journal entry to something else before I was finished. I now have the Harvest Right freeze dry food machine it is in the house thanks to the help of my best friend and I’ve run the first batch through mostly just to test it out. So the purpose of this machine is to preserve food for decades with no Refrigeration because we are in the midst of the zombie apocalypse and it would be foolish to assume that there is going to be energy in other words electricity to run a refrigerator in the future. Since the beginning and I have assumed worst case scenario and it has always turned out to be true therefore I am now assuming that there will be little or no energy in the future that’s obviously what they want to create with their Green New Deal great reset. We are watching Energy prices rise exponentially, we’ve just watched the gas pipelines Nord stream one and Nord stream 2 be sabotaged under the ocean condemning Europe to as the head puppet of the illegitimate regime stated from the beginning, a long dark winter and I’m assuming that the plans for America are not that much different. The moment the illegitimate regime got in they canceled permits for any new drilling, shut down unimportant pipeline, obviously depleting the people of energy and perhaps more importantly depleting industry and businesses of energy is priority one that’s what they did with the fake pandemic shutting all of the businesses down and they’re doing it with the climate propaganda shutting down the energy industry. People are beginning to see through it especially for instance in Florida as they try to evacuate from a hurricane but can’t go far enough but it’s just like everything else the people know it’s a trap and they still walk into it because they know that is what their slave masters want them to do. As for me I have the Harvest Right freeze dry machine and it contains a vacuum chamber, I am using a process called sublimation to remove 99% of the water from all of the foods entered in order that they can last between 20 and 30 years maybe even longer I don’t know but that’s probably the rest of my life especially since my goal here is not to hide away and stay alive but to engage this evil at the most effective moment. Or perhaps having this machine and using it and teaching others about it is a form of engaging them. Either way I am using today’s energy, today’s food at today’s prices here in October 2022 and I will eat this food in 2042 if I’m still alive at zero cost using no energy that I need to get from any grid. I can add water from a stream heated with wood from a forest and have grade A Foods While others I guess they will pay 2042 prices for whatever food and energy even exists by that time. I mean when you really think about it it literally sounds like I’m crazy paying $4,000 for a machine and running it 24 hours consuming that electricity to take such precious care of food packing it in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers it sounds nuts but that’s if you’re reading it in 2022 and don’t fully understand what is happening. So Putin of Russia has now cut off the energy Supply to Italy I’m told by my friend I have not looked it up yet just got home, but here’s the thing. The world is under this impression that there is a great conflict between the East and the west or between Russia and America. I have taught from the beginning that this is all a lie and these great powers are working together to cut off food and energy from the entire world. I said that from day one and everything that they have done has been very specifically designed to cut off food and energy. Are there a lot of ukrainians dying? Well that’s what we’re told. I’m sure some die, it sounds like there is a war in Ukraine but even that cuts off food and energy from the world as Ukraine is the breadbasket of that part of the world and gas pipelines flow through Ukraine to the rest of Europe. It pains me that it’s only in hindsight people will look back and perhaps finally realize it was all a scripted plan from the start but as I’ve said I don’t even know if there will be any history written about these things in the future. Looks like it is in October when Texas finally begins to cool down so that you can have fun backpacking and camping so I’ll be doing a lot more of that going forward. The wolf got sprayed by a skunk again just a little local news for you, I love my arctic wolf but part of me hopes that by the time things really kick off he is gone so that if I have a wolf at all it will be one which blends in much better especially at night because he practically glows in the dark. It does seem to be coming out now at least an alternative media that the injections have been killing a lot of people. I mean they can lie about everything they want but they cannot hide the overall mortality rate, the rate at which people are dying and they cannot hide that since they injected the children, children started dying faster. I’m not even sure they want to hide it. As I said from the start they need to normalize the death and that’s what we are seeing it is becoming normalized. Is this what happened during World War II people just got used to the death and so they didn’t do anything to stop it because now the governments are killing their own people, sterilizing boys and girls, murdering babies in fact one of the videos that I uploaded lately says that people are now saying that abortion is being banned you don’t have to worry about not being able to get an abortion, just get the covid shot. Another words that will kill your baby. It is a little bit strange that everything that I learned about before they ever injected anyone is now not only happening but being proved to be happening and is being acknowledged by an increasing number of media sources including Tucker Carlson on Fox News but then again if you needed to normalize the death culture then that’s exactly what you would do, isn’t it? So that’s where we’re at right now in October of 2022 leading up to the midterm elections that everyone knows the Democrats could not possibly win if they were Fair. They stole the 2020 election, they are lined up to lose 2022 elections but why wouldn’t they just steal them again? And if they steal the 2022 elections how could anyone have any faith in 2024? My thinking is that because some of us lost faith in elections a long time ago, everyone realizing that they stole the 2020 election is the straw that broke the camel’s back there is no more faith in the electoral process and even if conservatives win the election even if you had a fair election, the globalists would tell they’re talking heads on the television to openly declare that the election was stolen it was rigged it wasn’t fair and they would activate their street thugs blm, antifa, the sunshine movement whatever that nonsense is and American cities would start burning. Perhaps the question in their minds is, how violent do we have to get in order to keep the election after we steal it, or should we just go all the way to civil war? Some states have changed some laws in relation to elections but there’s no reason to believe that it is enough States that have changed enough laws that they cannot steal it again and only a fool would assume that they’re only going to try as hard as they did last time. Furthermore we don’t even know if there will be elections as they are playing off this conflict between America and Russia to be a nuclear confrontation even releasing public service announcements talking about go inside, stay inside, and watch the news like they’re totally gaslighting the population about nuclear war and sure Putin has said something about it that’s right I should tell you that he has an ex the four territories full of essentially Russians that have been bombed by the terrorist regime in Ukraine that seized power in 2014. However after drawing that Line in the Sand according to evil New World Order controlled mainstream media, Ukraine immediately invaded one of those territories and took a city Crossing that line in the sand. Perhaps it was a crucial imperative to show Russia and the world that that line does not matter I don’t know, and when you think about all of these complex things as individual people you really just have to bring it back to the basics. Will there be electricity in the future? Will there be Heating fuel? Will there be peace? You mustn’t assume anything, everyone must prepare for the worst and something I have increasingly taught is that everyone should be becoming a Backpacker. We had a brutally cold winter here in Texas I think it was 2021 and people literally froze to death inside their houses because they don’t no how to survive when the grid goes down, it’s horrific and difficult for someone like me to even believe but it happened and when it was happening I just look over at my backpack sitting in the house and think to myself, well I’m fine.
